Purpose Clarity
Here is what you get:✅ out of 625 unique profile variables - identify yours
✅ understand your assets gained through both: nature and nurture
✅ combine the benefit of 7 different and unique clarity points
✅ provide specific and customized
• Purpose and
• Fulfillment statements
✅ assess 4 essential characteristics that allow for extreme clarity
✅ identify the following:
1. What brings you fulfillment personally
2. How you most effectively and efficiently work with others
3. Which leadership style is yours
✅ put together an actionable strategy to understand and apply every finding for maximum clarity and success in personal life or business
✅ recommended for ages 16 and above
Select from the following:A. Your individual one-on-one coaching session with test included (all categories of assessment, - coaching: review and application)
B. Group workshop with test included, (you will be notified of the next available virtual session)
Group workshop Includes only ONE foundational category review and application
You will receive your assessment link and workshop information shortly after the registration and payment below
Please check your email inbox for the next steps
We look forward to seeing you MOVE INTO YOUR PURPOSE!
Register Here
Nino Fincher is a licensed:
Purpose Factor®️Facilitator;
Rapid Transformational Therapy expert on trauma;
Clinical hypnotherapist;
Life coach.
Keynote and 2x TEDx speaker.

For additional help and information, including:
privacy policy, rapid therapy, speaking engagements, resources and more,